‘47Nord15Ost’, Graz
The factory type evolves into a vertical system that frees space at ground level, integrating new areas and functions into the neighborhood, which through specific actions becomes a safe, accessible, and appealing surface...
The factory type evolves into a vertical system that frees space at ground level, integrating new areas and functions into the neighborhood, which through specific actions becomes a safe, accessible, and appealing surface...
A large prefabricated volume built with larch wood contains 104 rooms distributed in eight independent communities that share gardens and atriums, and open up to a shared plaza.
Throughout history architecture has tended to be expressed through volumes in difficult relationship with their urban surroundings. The enlargement of the Joanneum Museum, on the contrary, arose with the express intention of acting within the limits
Una estructura modular, construida con palés de madera de bajo coste y fácil desmontaje, configura un singular graderío que se vincula a un parque y a un edificio preexistente.
Como si de una inmensa alfombra roja se tratase, una pista deportiva se extiende sobre un barrio histórico, abriendo sus calles a la participación activa de atletas y ciudadanos.
The ground surface, the horizontal platform upon which most of our movements in the city occur, is very rarely the generating argument or the spatial support of a project. Perhaps as a result of that yearn for an identity that every new intervention
The Modern Movement opened up many doors, but it also had to close others – as it happened with ornament, for instance – which would for a long time be disregarded as sources for other possible expressive paths. The roof is one of those architectural
La Kunstuniversität Graz (Escuela Superior de Música y Artes Escénicas), conocida como KUG, estrena su Haus für Musik und Musiktheater (Casa y Teatro de la Música) con un nombre de extrañas resonancias, MUMUTH. Como parte del centro de formación de j
For centuries, the quarter of Murvorstadt remained in the shadow of the historic center of Graz, located on the opposite shore of the River Mur. The bridge joining both banks and most of the buildings around it were ruined in the floods of 1827, urgi
In the austrian city of Graz, a corner lot surrounded by residential blocks and animal feed silos was chosen by a ceramic products distributor as the site of its new showroom headquarters. The building asserts its independence in such a heterogeneous
El axioma moderno de la cubierta plana comenzó a cuestionarse a mediados del siglo XX, cuando arquitectos como Kahn o Utzon investigaron, en algunas obras excepcionales, la ‘quinta fachada’ como un elemento generador de espacio y luz. A esta tradició
Situado en Graz, una de las ciudades históricas más importantes de Austria, el Museo Joanneum —que celebra este año su segundo centenario y está considerado como el más antiguo del país— acaba de abrir las puertas de su nuevo centro de visitantes, di
El festival de cultura que todos los veranos se celebra en la región austriaca de Estiria cambia de emplazamiento cada año, trasladándose en su última edición al Forum Stadtpark de Graz. Inspirado en esta vocación nómada, el estudio vienés Feld72 ha
Cada vez más, hablar de Graz es hablar de arquitectura. La ciudad, con apenas 250.000 habitantes, reúne cerca de 150 edificios realizados en los últimos veinte años que, por medio de esta guía, pueden recorrerse con un método similar al de un piloto