1936 (born in London, United Kingdom) is an Australian Architect.
Every year since 2014 the Naomi Milgron Foundation commissions an architect to design a summer structure for Melbourne called MPavilion, and the sixth has just opened in Queen Victoria Gardens. The Australian architect Glenn Murcutt conceived a simpl
A dos horas al sudoeste de Sidney se sitúa Kangaroo Valley, un bello enclave natural destacado por ser uno de los primeros espacios turísticos del mundo en iniciar un programa de desarrollo carbon neutral. En una de sus verdes llanuras rodeadas de mo
Three hundred kilometers to the south of Sydney, the plot remaining from the partial subdivision of a large agricultural property was purchased by a couple of intellectuals to build a house for the holidays which has gradually become a more frequent
Glenn Murcutt In honor of a silent but exceptional career the 2021 Praemium Imperiale was bestowed on Glenn Murcutt, one of the most intensively personal figures in contemporary architecture. Born in London in 1936, Murcutt spent his childhood in Pap
The Praemium Imperiale, an accolade given by the Japan Art Association and the Imperial House of Japan since 1989, has been awarded to the Australian Glenn Murcutt in the Architecture section. Born in London in 1936, Murcutt spent his early childhood
It might first seem like another illustrated book or photo book. Suffice it to recall the visual panoramas published by Alberto Sartoris or the national examples of fotoscops, a work of the Prats-Gomis-Sert (1967–72). The publication is produced wit
Hasta el 13 de febrero de 2012 se puede visitar ‘Architecture for place’ (Arquitectura para el lugar), una exposición dedicada a Glenn Murcutt, del Centro de Arquitectura de Viena en colaboración con la Fundación para la Arquitectura de Australia, pa
Glenn Murcutt The American Institute of Architects selected Glenn Murcutt to receive its Gold Medal for “the depth of his work and the breadth of his influence, which echoes well beyond Australia”, where all his works are located. Murcutt’s projects
Renzo Piano creó en 2007 una fundación que tiene por propósito preservar sus archivos, pero también promover, entre los jóvenes arquitectos, su idea de la formación en bottega: un taller en el que los inexpertos aprenden de los veteranos a través del
El American Institute of Architects ha galardonado a Glenn Murcutt con la medalla de oro por la gran repercusión de su obra más allá de las fronteras australianas. La fidelidad tanto a la tradición del Movimiento Moderno como a la arquitectura vernác
Con motivo del nonagésimo aniversario del arquitecto Jørn Utzon, nacido en Copenhague el 9 de abril de 1918, acaban de aparecer dos nuevos volúmenes: Sketches. A Tribute to Jørn Utzon, de Arkitektens Forlag y la monografía titulada Kuwait National As
Glenn Murcutt All the last Pritzker awardees were part of architecture’s star system until the Australian Glenn Murcutt came around, an unclassifiable figure foreign to the mediatic circles, that not only credits the award as much as his illustrious
Dice la autora de este libro que Glenn Murcutt es «un arquitecto raro»; ‘muy raro’ resultaría mucho más exacto. Y es que su singularidad, al menos desde nuestra posición eurocéntrica, empieza con su propia biografía. Juzgue, si no, el lector: nacido
Glenn Murcutt, que acaba de recibir, a los 66 años, el premio Pritzker, es uno de los representantes más eminentes de un ‘funcionalismo ecológico’ que él mismo ha contribuido a inventar. Instalado en Sidney, trabaja desde siempre solo, rechaza constr
Mr.Murcutt... “Call me Glenn!” At first con-tact the architect demands colloquial cordiality, dropping formalities with the unmistakable clarity of one who likes to go straight to the point. The works of Glenn Murcutt, mostly houses, come across with