1925 (Chemnitz, Germany) - 2015 (Warmbronn, Leonberg, Germany)
Zaha Hadid's Beijing Airport
An exhibition at the ZKM Karlsruhe takes stock, through 200 original building models, of the work methods of the Pritzker Prize laureate Frei Otto.
1925 - 2015 Born in 1925 in Chemnitz (Germany), Frei Otto began his studies at the Technical University of Berlin shortly before being drafted during the last years of World War II. After being captured in Nurnberg and taken prisoner to a camp in Fra
Frei Otto The Pritzker Prize concession to Frei Otto (1925-2015) was publicly announced one day after his death, and so the German architect became the first to receive the award posthumously. In its citation, the jury commended “his visionary ideas,
This year the announcement of the winner of the Pritzker Prize is a double surprise: first, the trophy is not going to any of the names that have been in the running for a long time now, year after year, but to a rather forgotten master, the German F
Gone at the age of 89, the latest Pritzker laureate designed and built structures which were as light as they were beautiful, inspired in natural forms.
La editorial Taschen nos tiene acostumbrados a libros de dimensiones descomunales, más aptos para el deleite con sus enormes fotografías y el estudio de sus planos en una mesa de trabajo que para su lectura pausada, algo para lo que, por otro lado, n
«Descubrir lo insólito y lo desconocido en lo cotidiano»: así describe Juan María Songel el mensaje de Frei Otto, protagonista del precioso libro publicado por Gustavo Gili, en la serie Conversaciones, que reúne el artículo del autor «Fundamentos de
Los dos tomos que nos ocupan parecen responder al título del IX Congreso Nacional de Medio Ambiente celebrado hace poco en Madrid, ‘El reto es actuar’. Los arquitectos que, aun sabiendo que «la única arquitectura ecológica es la que no se construye»
Un repaso a la obra de Lacaton y Vassal produce la tranquilizadora sensación de que el hilo dorado de la arquitectura moderna no se ha enmarañado irremisiblemente entre los laberintos de las últimas décadas y que, en manos de algunos profesionales, s
Frei Otto Beginning with the RIBA Gold Medal in 2005, the succession of distinctions and acknowledgements bestowed on this 81 year old German architect throughout his career continues this year with the Praemium Imperiale, awarded by the Japan Art As
Frei Otto A passion for flying and an interest in construction shaped the personality of the German engineer and architect Frei Otto, recipient of the gold medal that the Royal Institute of British Architects grants yearly. The result of this experim
Las estructuras textiles son uno de los sistemas estructurales más antiguos y están consideradas como el quinto material constructivo después de la madera, la piedra, el vidrio y el metal. Sin embargo, la aparición de nuevos materiales y el desarroll
La concesión, el pasado mes de febrero, de la Medalla de Oro del Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) a Frei Otto ha retornado a este arquitecto a las páginas de la actualidad. Conocido fundamentalmente por sus trabajos en las cubiertas de gr
The Alhambra of Granada was the backdrop of the awarding of the Aga Khan architectural prizes, which throw an unexpected light on the Islamic world.