Many masters with extensive careers behind them ‘disown’ their early works, judging them inconsistent with their later output and attributing them to inexperience or young ardor. Such introspective thoughts tend to coincide with critical revisions: h
They had no way of knowing it, but somehow they cut adrift from the 19th century by capsizing painting altogether, defying their contemporaries as in a boycott, turning their backs on the Academy and on all the canons. They did not actually baptize t
Surrealism is the longest-living ism, the only avant-garde movement that has withstood the turn into the 21st century. Surrealist today are Björk’s videos (with explicit references to Man Ray), fashion (such as the collections of Rei Kawakubo, the Ja
The Year of Chillida
The transgressive spirit of the avant-gardes gave rise to a peculiar process of contamination: architecture began to tend to go artsy, and art to aspire to become architecture. While buildings have embraced abstraction and even become sculptures, the
A hundred years after it was published, Vers une architecture remains a source book for anyone wanting to know how the surge of modern architecture happened in the early 20th century. It is most certainly the most circulated, criticized, and interpre
With his multifaceted work, which went far beyond the confines of construction, the eminent architect became one of the leading figures of the Renaixença.
As much in his incursions into architecture as in his music scores, Iannis Xenakis put mathematics at the center of his composition process.
The Helga de Alvear Foundation presents a major tribute to Joseph Beuys on the occasion of his centenary, putting into context his fertile, transgressive work.
2 September 2022 marks 100 years since the birth of the Galician architect Ramón Vázquez Molezún. The centenary will be celebrated, among other initiatives, with a retrospective exhibition at the Madrid Institute of Architects (COAM) ...
It could be said that Anne Tyng was born into public life at the age of 77, in 1997, when, deciding that her existence should not remain hidden nor her freedom jeopardized, she published Louis Kahn to Anne Tyng: The Rome Letters, 1953-1954 – missives
In observance of Gottfried Böhm’s centenary, much is made of his being a grandson, son, husband, and father of architects, with the possible implication that his choice of profession, and practice thereof, was a consequence of the generic dictates of
Bauhaus centenary
The history of the Bauhaus has partly been that of a misunderstanding, at least for the general public, which perhaps owing to bestsellers like Tom Wolfe’s From Bauhaus to Our House, has tended to see the school that opened its doors in Weimar a cent
This year marks the birth centennial of a sensual and exuberant artist whose work and identity cannot be separated from the island of Lanzarote.
A century after its founding, artistic and ideological discrepancies among its leaders refute the previously held perception of a unitary Bauhaus.
This year is the birth centennial of Francisco J. Sénz de Oíza, leader of Spanish modernity and master of several generations of architects.
There are many great architects, but only very few get to be ‘masters.’ Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oíza did, thanks as much to the quality of his architecture as to his sharp sensitivity in tuning in with the contemporary, and especially to his teachi
El centenario de Utzon es una buena oportunidad para constatar la actualidad de su obra, inspirada en metáforas naturales y arquitectónicas.
A century has passed since the birth of Bruno Zevi, the critic and professor who upheld the social purpose of architecture and the organicism of Frank Lloyd Wright. Born in Rome in 2018, in 1938 he was forced by Mussolini’s anti-Semitic laws to leave
A hundred years have passed since the birth of Jørn Utzon, the Danish visionary who with one of the most iconic buildings of the 20th century was a pioneer in giving form to the society of the spectacle. The Sydney Opera House, nevertheless, does not
The centenary of the artistic movement De Stijl prompts recollection of the theoretical texts by its foremost artist, the Dutch painter Piet Mondrian.
In the work of Eladio Dieste, whose birth has been one hundred years, technical ingenuity was placed at the service of the social program and Catholic fervor.