Art and Culture 

Iannis Xenakis, 1922-2001

Random geometries

Art and Culture 

Iannis Xenakis, 1922-2001

Random geometries

José Luis García del Busto 

Metástasis, 1955. Graphic representation of the glissandi of the string section

In 2022 we celebrate the centenary of Iannis Xenakis, the Greek composer – born in Romania and granted French citizenship in 1965 – who was one of the clearest and most innovative and vigorous voices of the musical avant-gardes that cropped up in Europe after World War II: A talented man, highly committed politically, his training was much more technical – engineering, mathematics, architecture – than musical, but he was strongly attracted to the art of sounds, and ended up devoting himself, above all else, to composing...[+]

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