Girona, Spain
In a part of the city that creates a transition between the built-up fabric and the open urban expansion area characterized by the imposing presence of public facilites, the project proposes 35 apartments with a design based on principles of program
Through a strategy of constellations and consolidations, the project seeks to integrate the museum in the city with a new set of galleries specific to the collection, complementing the spaces of the existing MACBA building...
The street Marià Lavèrnia stretches on top of the Turó de la Rovira, a 262-meter-high hill that was a privileged natural vantage point and stratefic site for defending Barcelona during the Spanish Civil War. Where afluent families had built summer ho
Perforated with new openings and clad in a skin of ropes that is stretched over frames, the house becomes a covered porch that is filled with fresh air and opens up to its surroundings.
This new junior school and high school was built after a public competition for the design and construction of a school for 690 students of ages 3 to 16. This varied age range determined the project design as much as other aspects like the sloping pl
An 18th-century building, compact and traditional, combined with an industrialized light porch, forms a dwelling that opens up to its beautiful natural surroundings.
The Collage House is the result of a project to refurbish a small cluster of old buildings in the historic center of Gerona. The large stone shell of the old house, wisely designed to establish an optimum relationship with the site and the climate,
La ampliación de una vieja y pesada estructura muraria con un porche nuevo y ligero emplazado donde una vez hubo un cobertizo para el ganado, ha sido la clave del proyecto de rehabilitación de una masía situada en la localidad gerundense de Santa Pau
El proyecto de rehabilitación de una vivienda en el centro histórico de Gerona —diseñado por Ramón Bosch y Elisabet Capdeferro— ha merecido la Mención Especial Arquitecto Emergente en la última edición de los premios Mies van der Rohe. Concebido por