The aim of this project located on the Levante beachfront is to foster environmental awareness and publicize the seafaring history of Benidorm. The three different volumes – projection room, exhibition gallery, toilets – are like three rocks bathed b
A place of transition between the built city and the natural space of the sea and the beach, the new waterfront of Poniente Beach is not conceived as a frontier or edge, but as an intermediate space that makes this transition permeable. Structured as
The end of L’Aigüera park, where an old river-bed meets the city of the fifties, was taken up until recently by an unfinished square. The Town Council decided to build its new headquarters on this site, maintaining the two-story public parking on the
With the death of José Miguel Iribas on 20 April, Benidorm and the Mediterranean model of intensive tourism, in general, have lost their leading propagandist. Born in the year 1950 in Bergara (Guipúzcoa) but into a family from Navarre, Iribas first a
A joke. The latest outlandish idea in an election period. Madness. Benidorm’s bid for a place in Unesco’s list of World Heritage Sites, in the twin category of Good Culture and Good Nature, was made public this week, and been lambasted and parodied.
Inspirado en la naturaleza y en el entorno, y con formas sinuosas y vivos colores que remiten a la obra de Gaudí o de Burle Marx, el nuevo Paseo Marítimo de la Playa de Poniente, en Benidorm, del estudio barcelonés de Carlos Ferrater, es un lugar de
El edificio de viviendas tuteladas para personas mayores construido por el alicantino Javier García-Solera en Benidorm (véase AV 135-136) agrupa en once plantas, tres de las cuales de usos comunes, cuarenta apartamentos de 48 metros cuadrados, que se
A los pocos días de su muerte, The Economist publicó la necrológica de Pedro Zaragoza. ¿Cómo un alcalde franquista de un pequeño pueblo alicantino merecía el único obituario que la revista británico-americana publica por número? Desde luego, nada par
Benidorm is a hamburger: the McDonald’s of tourism, an admirable combination of quality and price that ignorant snobbery contemplates scornfully, but whose persistent success ought to in-spire more emulation than suspicion. Benidorm is also the Span