Sister magazines AV and Arquitectura Viva (born respectively in 1985 and 1988) were advertised for many years with an oil on panel painted around 1594 by an anonymous author belonging to the Second School of Fontainebleau, depicting Gabrielle d’Estré
The magazine AV, which will soon turn forty, has published thirty Spain Yearbooks to date, and with this one it launches a new editorial phase.
A species in extinction, a fragile koala still existing even though the ecosystems it thrived in no longer do, architecture criticism has for a while now been facing the question of how to die. Some part of it will take leave of us discreetly, bequea
La revista AV alcanza su número 250 con una monografía dedicada a la obra completa de Moneo, y Arquitectura Viva celebra el mismo hito con una exploración de las ‘utopías útiles’ que Focho ha representado amalgamando el diálogo filosófico entre Plató
It is not easy to ponder the real magnitude of the pandemic’s impact on our everyday existence; to find a middle ground between catastrophists convinced that Covid-19 marks a point of no return for societies, and optimists certain that the return to
Architecture and architects were the protagonists of the first four international congresses of the Fundación Arquitectura y Sociedad. The fifth, held again at Pamplona’s Baluarte, marked the start of a new cycle focused on the city, because the urba
Stage and archive, the magazine is above all an imaginary museum. Placing this issue under the equivocal advocacy of André Malraux – whose mythical portrait is reproduced tiny in the presentation –, we propose recalling to what extent a publication l
The reader of this magazine knows – as any reader of periodical publications does – that anniversaries are important in the selection of news items. The attentive and faithful subscriber, moreover, will have observed that the contents of Arquitectura
Arquitectura Viva reaches number 200, and looks back to look forward. A quarter of a century ago we published ‘Tanta teoría’, where we ventured the list of the 25 most influential books since the release of The Architecture of the City and Complexity
With this issue AV/Arquitectura Viva celebrates its thirtieth anniversary. Since 1985 we have published over 400 issues and some two dozen books, organized congresses, exhibitions, and competitions, and been present in about a hundred countries, brin
Density matters. Accustomed to publishing in great detail works of unique qualitative value, we often forget how important their quantitative context is. And yet, this aspect often determines whether they succeed or fail. In the residential field den
Arquitectura Viva transforms itself, becoming monthly and bilingual starting with this issue, and it seemed appropriate to mark the occasion with a crop of transformed architectures. Eighteen projects in total, all of them in Spain, which adapt exist
En el umbral de su edición bilingüe, ‘Arquitectura Viva’ resume la reflexión sobre la crisis que ha expresado en congresos o exposiciones, y propone hacerle frente con austeridad y solidaridad.
After twenty-five years appearing in Spanish only, Arquitectura Viva becomes bilingual starting with the next issue, and this editorial hinge prompts us to look back. During this period we have striven to cover architecture in Spain and the world in
Arquitectura Viva estará presente en la 13ª Bienal de Arquitectura de Venecia con una exposición comisariada por Luis Fernández-Galiano que, bajo el título ‘Spain mon amour’, celebrará los logros de la arquitectura española reciente, pero procurará t
AV Anniversary
Museums are protagonists of the cultural landscape as much as they are of the urban one. As institutions that establish the common agenda of ideas and forms, they have a decisive role in the shaping of the cultural topography of our society; and as b
Las revistas de arquitectura recuerdan el palpitar de la primera enamorada. Sometidas a un ciclo recurrente, mensual o bimestral, su llegada provoca en el lector el estado de ansiedad y alegría del amor iniciático. Colman nuestra ambición de descubri