El proyecto para un pabellón deportivo situado en el recinto escolar San Ignacio de Loyola, en Alcalá de Henares debía dar respuesta a tres condicionantes de partida: un programa preciso (pista polideportiva de balonmano y baloncesto, gimnasio y vest
The municipal complex of La Chopera, completed in 1960 on the southwest side of the Retiro park, is one of the oldest sports centers of Madrid. The multiple installations with which it is equipped (football fields, outdoor tracks, basketball and tenn
From the diagonal promenade that crosses the park of Olof Palme and amongst the tree tops, rises the new library of Usera. The project (winner in a restricted competition held in 1995) took on the image of a tower, the classical form identified with
The city of Mérida – the actual seat of the government of Extremadura– goes up on the ruins of Emerita Augusta, the Roman city that always emerges from the subsoil as the new city tries to continue growing. Without forgetting the heritage of its ric
Madrid has a rugged topography and the southeast section of the municipal territory is one of its lowest points. This is perhaps why the area has traditionally been chosen as a dumping site for metropolitan wastes. Within the plan to rationaliz