(Bogotá, 1940)
The transport Complex (CIT) is the result of a competition called by Metro de Madrid in 2016. The project has a double objective: on one side the urban regeneration through an existing plot, containing an obsolete Metro facility, and on the other ha
The CIT (Centro Integral de Transporte) is an initiative of Metro de Madrid to build a transport center in the old sheds of Plaza de Castilla in Madrid. The competition was called in 2016, and the team formed by the architects Lourdes Carretero, Manu
The solution adopted for this health center addresses the desire to simplify routes and optimize the use of space. Two criteria governed the functional layout of the program: the best orientation, and the degree of accessibility deemed adequate to ea
One night more than fifteen years ago (we were both still active), I had a bad dream: I had to write an obituary for Andrés Perea and was pressed for time. The stress eventually woke me up and I was much relieved. Arriving at School, the first person
The death of Andrés Perea has made orphans of a good number of Spanish architects: those who found in his ethical and intellectual position, in his work, in the pedagogical methods he promoted, and in his defense of plural access to the profession th
Con una reseña en esta sección (véase Arquitectura Viva 52) dimos la bienvenida a este proyecto editorial, lanzado conjuntamente por la ETSA de Pamplona y el Colegio de Arquitectos Vasco-Navarro. A razón de cuatro cuadernos por año —salvo la primera