Madrid, Spain. Pepa Cassinello teaches in ETSAM-UPM's Architectural Construction and Technology Department.
In 1957 Eduardo Torroja published Razón y ser de los tipos estructurales, and the next year it appeared in the United States as Philosophy of Structures. That it was immediately translated – by Jaroslav Josef Polívka, structural engineer of Wright’s
The German photographer Sibylle von Kaskel took mythical images of Torroja’s work that gave him exposure and the praise of other masters…
The idea of baking clay arose shortly after the discovery of fire. So prehistoric man did the first mutation of this natural material, and obtained something more stable and resistant: ceramic. With it he made small everyday utensils, such as bowls,
Maybe it was chance, not the consequence of a premeditated search, but over 3,000 years ago, man found a way to make iron more resistant: by mixing it with carbon. Thus was born the alloy that metallurgical engineering calls steel. The oldest known a
It was she herself, Mother Nature, who first fabricated concrete, and the Stone Age man was first to imitate it. Not in vain. In the beginning it was a material formed simply by mixing natural abiotic elements, small dry stones, conglomerate dust (p
The population of Spain was only 28 million in 1949, but growing at a rate of 300,000 per year. The country was devastated, and migration from the countryside was beginning to crowd cities. Building homes was a pressing concern. The contribution of E
What’s worth more, a kilogram of stone or a kilogram of gold? With this question Adolf Loos began his famous text about building materials. The answer is simple. If the kilo of stone belongs to the Pantheon in Rome, Michelangelo’s Pietà, the Venus de
El éxito obtenido con la exposición y el libro dedicados a Félix Candela con motivo de su centenario, ‘La conquista de la esbeltez’, ha permitido a la Fundación Juanelo Turriano la realización de un proyecto largamente querido: recordar, estudiar y d
El catálogo, conmemorativo del centenario del nacimiento del arquitecto Félix Candela Outeriño (1910-1997) y publicado con motivo de la exposición ‘Félix Candela. La conquista de la esbeltez’ —celebrada en el Centro Cultural Conde Duque de Madrid ent
Pepa Cassinello
Madrid 2024
Fundación Eduardo Torroja - 616 Pages
Pepa Cassinello
Madrid 2016
Fundación Eduardo Torroja - 92 Pages
Pepa Cassinello Rastro de reflexiones y reflejos
Pepa Cassinello
Fundación Eduardo Torroja Fundación Juanelo Turriano - 376 Pages
Pepa Cassinello Annette Bögle Peter Cachola Schmal
Madrid 2011
Mairea Libros - 164 Pages
Pepa Cassinello Bernardo Revuelta Pol El ingenio de un legado
Pepa Cassinello Centenario 2010