Instituto Playa Flamenca
Presided in its edition of 2019 by Fuensanta Nieto, the FAD Award in the category of Architecture went to the IES Playa Flamenca in Orihuela (Alicante), by Alfredo Payá. The jury highlighted how the design addresses a large and repetitive school project with the budget restrictions of public works. The awardees in other categories were the Bank of Spain library, by Matilde Peralta, in Interior Design; the Prat de Llobregat Waterfront, by Jansana-De la Villa-De Paauw Arquitectes, in City and Landscape; ‘Mies Missing Materiality,’ by Anna and Eugeni Bach, in Ephemeral Interventions; and the New Bund District Church in Shanghai, by Ábalos & Sentkiewicz, in International. Two awards were given in the category of Thought and Criticism: the first to the architecture collection ‘Textos de Doctorado’ of the University of Seville; and the second, ex aequo, to Autoconstrucción. Por una autonomía del habitar. Escritos sobre vivienda, urbanismo, autogestión y holismo, by John F. Turner, Kathrin Golda Pongratz, José Luis Oyón, and Volker Zimmerman, and Cómo vivir con la memoria. Actitudes artísticas ante arquitectura y franquismo, by Manuel Oliveira.