The results of this year’s FAD Awards for Architecture and Interior Design stick to the tone of previous cycles: on the one hand, concentration on the creative scene of Catalonia; on the other, attention to the Portuguese world. The 2016 winner in the architecture section is Arquipélago, a contemporary arts center (see image) on the Azores island of San Miguel, where the firm Menos é Mais Arquitectos has built a severe but harmonious complex out of an old tobacco factory (see Arquitectura Viva 182). The FAD Award for City and Interiors went to the Barcelona metropolitan railway stations designed by Jordi Garcés, Daria de Seta, and Anna Bonet; for City and Landscape, to Carlos Seoane for his Mirador da Pedra da Rá in Ribeira (A Coruña); for Ephemeral Interventions, to the exhibition ‘Species for Spaces,’ which presented the work of Georges Perec at the Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art through a montage by María Charneco, Alfredo Lérida, Guillermo López, and Anna Puigjaner. The FAD International Award for a work carried out outside of Spain by Spanish architects was given to Eduardo Carvajal and Clara Solà-Morales for their urban transformation project in Mexico City, Córdoba Reurbano, while in the Thought and Criticism category there were two winners of equal standing: Josep Llinàs for his book Sospecha de estiércol (see Arquitectura Viva 182), and the publication Fábrica de bloques (see AV Proyectos 71). Juan José Lahuerta received a special prize in recognition of his entire career.