The Catalan architect Toni Gironés, for his interpretation center at the megalithic dolmen of Seró in Artesa de Segre (Lérida), and the Portuguese Pedro Domingos, for the Primary and Secondary School in Sever do Bouga (Portugal), were declared the joint winners of the FAD Award for Architecture in its 55th edition, carrying the day over 25 other finalists among a total of 401 competitors. Presided by Dani Freixes and including Eulalia Aran, Jordi Ferrando, Eva Prats, Nuno Sampaio and Maier Vélez, the jury emphasized the “rich reflection on the environment and the relationship between sanctuary past and agricultural present” that is evident in the building by Gironés, and commended the work of Domingos for the way it makes “inhabiting space from a child’s perspective, through routes and open spaces of great beauty” a memorable experience once again.
In the City and Landscape section, the distinction was awarded to La Lira Theater by RCR Arquitectes, a rigorous construction of core-ten steel that creates a new route within the historic quarter of the Gerona city of Ripoll (see Arquitectura Viva 136). The prize for Interior Design went to the renovation of the restaurant and cocktail bar Il Giardinetto in Barcelona, by Ivan Pomés and Max Llamazares, while the Thought and Criticism award was shared by three books: Estrategias operativas en arquitectura, by Jacobo García-Germán (see Arquitectura Viva 148), The Garden in Motion, by Guilles Clément, and Plan Poché, by Raúl Castellanos Gómez (see Arquitectura Viva 154).