Metonymy: Cristina Iglesias at the MNCARS
Tricks and Labyrinths

The visitor walks under water and plant exhibits, mysterious exhibits. Suddenly they all but quiver and become an at once severe and protective roof. In this disruption, so unexpected and causing a bit of awe and vertigo, things take on the true appearance of things, of what they were, even of what they will be in the future, or of what they could have been… The visit then becomes an astounding experience, an infinite surprise. It takes but an instant to cross the invisible threshold suggested by each work of Cristina Iglesias. Later, underneath, or rather already inside, the inverted botanical ocean envelops us like an enigmatic altered dome, giving us the ambivalent shelter of an ancestral house. Something obstinate and magical almost paralyzes us: a wanting to leave but at the same time needing to return to the starting point. After all, the ancestral house lives inside of us as an ambiguity, a stubborn frontier. It is the most powerful metaphor of the liminal – a wanting to stay but not wanting to, a needing to stay but not needing to –, one leading to another place where we appeal to the past, to the passing of time, to the original story. Let the doors open, two at a time...