Las señoritas de Aviñón, 1907
It must be the summer of 1907, the time of the Bateau-Lavoir, the meeting place of artists and writers working in Paris. They talk, think together, plan a future to share. Some will call it ‘avant-garde,’ the avant-garde that since the appearance of impressionism at the end of the 19th century has been changing art and life itself. It is nighttime in the Bateau-Lavoir – nobody ever rests there, one is always creating – and Max Jacob, the writer who has given up everything to follow the Cubists, friend to Picasso and the poet Apollinaire, is at his window with the oil lamp burning. Picasso comes by, asks what he’s doing, to which Jacob replies: “I’m looking for a style.” “There’s no such thing,” mumbles Picasso as he walks away. So goes the story that’s going around...[+]