1958 (Madrid, Spain)
Rosario de Velasco certainly lacks no ingredient to qualify as a ‘one-painting artist,’ that sort of single hit in the career of an artist who, supposedly, produces no further special work, whatever the reason: shortage of talent, marriage, lack of o
A universal artist, widely admired, Pablo Picasso left a legacy that remains alive half a century after his death, but which also casts certain shadows.
Published at the same time, the books that the art historian Estrella de Diego and the writer Antonio Muñoz Molina have devoted to the Prado may seem like parallel endeavors, but could not be more different. Both arose from invitations to give semina
For the anniversary of his death, the Patio Herreriano pays tribute to Juan Muñoz through an exhibition that delves into his boundless artistic imagination.
In Alexandrine Years, Luis Fernández-Galiano collects his articles on architecture published in El País from 1993 to 2006...
With a major show full of shocking images, Barcelona‘s CCCB addressed architecture‘s all too often silenced relationship with eroticism and sex.
The exhibition ‘Gravity’ offers a photographic walk through the oeuvre of the British master of Land Art, while presenting some works he has executed on the spot.
Photographed non-stop and presented as icons of immediate consumption, sculpture-buildings are fetishist attractions of contemporary mass tourism.
The Reina Sofía Museum exhibition Metonymy comprises fifty sculptures that present the entire artistic career of Cristina Iglesias.
In what is one of its most political editions, Documenta 13 opens up to cities all over the world, emphasizing the recovery of spaces wounded by history and marginalized by globalization.
Anne Lacaton y Jean Philippe Vassal, pareja de arquitectos y profesores franceses, finalistas del Premio Mies van der Rohe en 2003 y 2007 y galardonados con el Grand Prix d’Architecture en 2008, se dieron a conocer cuando, tras serles encargada la re
Es posible que una de las mayores virtudes de Estudios antiguos sea su capacidad infinita para ir abriendo ventanas. Y cerrando ventanas. Cuando los lectores creen haber descubierto el hilo conductor del recorrido de Lahuerta —deslumbrante recorrido,