The ‘new freedom’ that Frank Lloyd Wright imagined for living in America was outlined in twenty restrictions: twenty ‘noes’ that guided his project-manifesto to urbanize the American landscape, known as Broadacre City (1934–35): “No public ownership of private needs… No ‘housing’… No traffic problem… No railroads…” The list continues. Only in one case does Wright make a nuance or exception. He says “No tall buildings,” right before “No slum. No scum,” – to later add, “except as isolated in parks.” Wright’s ambivalence on skyscrapers is reflected in his work of the period 1920–1950, when he simultaneously worked in defense of the dispersed city and in the conception of the high-rise city. And it has also given a title to the new exhibition on the architect’s work at New York’s Museum of Modern Art (MoMA): ‘Frank Lloyd Wright and the City: Density vs. Dispersal’...