Social Housing in Barcelona
Awarded since 1958 by the institution Fomento de las Artes Decorativas to works completed during the year in Spain and Portugal, the FAD Awards have celebrated their 50th anniversary. The present edition, sensitive to the difficult economic and social situation, has paid special attention to the everyday, heroic architecture. The winning project in the category of Architecture was the youth social housing development by Emiliano López and Mónica Rivera in Barcelona: a contained building that addresses the challenges of this typology with constructive simplicity and attention to detail. In the category of City and Landscape the prize went to the warehouses for fishermen by Irisarri & Piñera in Pontevedra; in that of Interior Design, to the D jewelry by Vaíllo & Irigaray in Pamplona; and in that of Ephemeral Spaces, to ‘Species Evolution for Roca’ by Azúa & Martí for Casa Decor in Barcelona; in Thought and Criticism, to Juan Daniel Fullaondo’s work Escritos críticos, edited by María Teresa Muñoz and published by Mairea. The jury dedicated its Special Mention to the editorial work of the Fundación Caja de Arquitectos.