Museum of Fine Arts, Castellón
Under the categories of architecture, interiors, exterior spaces, and ephemeral spaces, the Fomento de las Artes Decorativas awards are given yearly to recognize the most outstanding products of architecture and design in Spain, Portugal, and Andorra. A jury including Carlos Ferrater, Ángela García de Paredes, and Annette Gigon chose the Fine Arts Museum of Castellón, by Luis Moreno Mansilla & Emilio Tuñón, for the first category. The winners in the other catogories were the bookstore Almedina in Lisbon, by Francisco & Manuel Aires Mateus; the La Granja stairs in Toledo, by José Antonio Martínez Lapeña & Elías Torres; and the ‘La Pedrera de nit 2000’ installation, by Ana Mir & Emili Padrós. Only 43 of over three hundred works presented passed the first round, and among the eventual 27 finalists were two entries that the jury decided to honor with special mentions: in the architecture section, a classroom builidng in the University of Alicante by Javier García-Solera; and under exteriors, the ‘Structure of Light’ installation
for the Barcelona street Bon Pastor, by Carmen de la Calzada and Jaume Barrera.