Garriga-Poch House in Lles de Cerdanya
For the way in which it revitalizes a local building type, combining solidity with lightness and avoiding local mimesis, the FAD architecture award of 2003 went to the Garriga-Poch house, a holiday home built by Arturo Frediani in Lles de Cerdanya (Lérida). The shop-museum by Pep Cortés at the Caixaforum of Barcelona won the prize for interior design, while that of exterior spaces fell upon the path of Pinar de la Algaida in Cádiz, by Ramón Picó and Javier López, and that of ephemeral spaces was for the exhibition ‘Gaudí, la recerca de la forma’ (Gaudí, exploring the shape), designed by Lluís Pau at Barcelona’s Salón del Tinell. The jury’s choice did not coincide with that of the press, that gave out as many prizes of opinion: that of architecture to the Gracia library in Barcelona, by Josep Llinás; that of interior design to the Restaurant Les Cols in Olot, by Aranga, Pigem & Vilalta; that of exterior spaces to Diagonal Mar park in Barcelona, by the studio EMBT; and that of ephemeral spaces to the installation ‘A garden in the museum’, set up in the Museum of History of Gerona by Daniela Collafranceschi and Pep Admetlla.