Computers and Geomancy
Global Flows and Local Ways

Until 1990, the influences of western modernism on the first generation of Indian modernist architects loomed large on the architectural scene in India. This period also coincided with the concerns of nationalism and construction of identity for the new nation state. However, the last twenty years have seen interesting developments, with a regional concern dominating the architectural scene with the emergence of a new generation of practitioners. Starting in 1990, a particularly fascinating chapter opened in the history of architecture in India, neatly overlapping with the ‘on-the-ground’ liberalization of the Indian economy and substantial transformations in the built landscape characterizing this process. India’s economic liberalization brought out many contradictions inherent in the rapid economic mobility engulfing the country, taking a complex shape in which varying forms of architecture and built paraphernalia coexist in close proximity, creating some bizarre visual adjacencies. As the economy has opened up to the globalization process, the last years have additionally witnessed new emerging influences as global architectural firms assert their presence and influence on India’s architectural scene...