There are friends who take up a good stretch of our shelves, and we realize it when they are gone. This was the case with Vicente Verdú, and now, too, with Alberto Corazón, who passed away on 10 February. Vicente and I together honored him on the occasion of Fundación Telefónica’s major exhibition on his work in the autumn of 2015, and in February 2018 it was Alberto who with me presented Vicente’s Celebración de la pintura, a book he edited as artistic testament of Verdú, who died in August that same year, and to whom we both would pay tribute in an obituary session held in February of the following year at the Círculo de Bellas Artes. Two years later we bid farewell to Corazón, and my memories of both are intertwined in emotions and bookshelves. We saw each other regularly at the sessions of the San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts, and it falls upon another friend and fellow academician, Simón Marchán, whose path was interlaced with Corazón’s for over a half-century, to write a eulogy in this issue of Arquitectura Viva.