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Thinking with Eyes

Last Lesson in Madrid

Opinion  News 

Thinking with Eyes

Last Lesson in Madrid

Luis Fernández-Galiano 

Architects think with their eyes. Le Corbusier used to say: “Je n’existe dans la vie qu’à condition de voir,” I exist in life only if I can see, and warned that architecture requires slow, painstaking, patient work: “We are like donkeys going around a waterwheel, but donkeys that can see!” Architects are donkeys that can see, and indeed we interpret the world through the gaze. The eye Ledoux drew to depict the Théâtre de Besançon and the one Magritte painted and titled The False Mirror can serve as a synthesis of architecture understood on the one hand as frozen form, and on the other as a process of change, where aging comes into the picture, and these two eyes will guide this lecture...[+][+]

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