Experimental House in Atka
Taller Abierto 

Experimental House in Atka

Taller Abierto 

With this project – which won the ‘Living Aleutian Home Design’ international competition for an experimental house in Atka, one of the Aleutian Islands that are part of the state of Alaska – the Madrid-based Taller Abierto (Open Workshop) proposes a house that does not only adapt to the harsh meteorological conditions of the region, but also capitalizes on them, extracting energy from the strong winds, from rainwater, as well as from the heat of the volcanic soil on which the building sits. In addition, its aerodynamic shape has the effect of reducing horizontal pressures, thereby optimizing a structure that, like all the other elements of the design, is formed by prefabricated components whose dimensions and assemblage system make them easy to transport...[+]

Vivienda experimental 
Experimental House, Atka (USA)

Taller Abierto

Autores Authors
Julio Rodríguez Pareja, Nacho Román Santiago, Daniel Martínez Díaz

Colaboradores Collaborators
Ángel Lallana Díez-Canseco, Jorge Ruano Bonilla, Gonzalo Zumalacárregui (traducción translation), Cipriano Jiménez, Guillermo de Torres (asesoría técnica technical advice)

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