Kamwokya Community Playground in Kampala
Kéré Architecture- Type Sport center
- Material Brick
- Date 2016 - 2022
- City Kampala
- Country Uganda
- Photographer Iwan Baan Jaime Herraiz Martínez

The kamwokya informal settlement, located among the hills of Kampala’s central district, is one of the most indigent areas of the capital, with a high dwelling density, scarce infrastructures, and poor health conditions. Surprisingly, it hides the only public space left in this type of urban tissue: a sports field where the local non-profit organization Kamwokya Christian Caring Community (KCCC) runs sports, leisure, and artistic activities open to the children and youngsters of the community.
Promoted by the Swiss foundation Ameropa, the project seeks to upgrade the activities already happening on the site, improving the facilities and building new flexible spaces. The site’s contours are shaped to create slight differences in level to suggest distinct areas. Around the main sports field, tribune-like steps span the difference in height and offer seating to watch the games. A drainage system for water evacuation is integrated in the raised platform, protecting the spaces from floods during the heavy rains. The project includes two buildings hosting a gym, an internet café, various multi-purpose rooms, a music studio, and an office. All the main spaces are covered by two metallic roofs that offer shade and protection whilst giving a strong identity to the site in its urban context.