Madrid Metropolitan Forest, Lot 4
Southern River, Regenerated Infrastructure: First Prize

Madrid Metropolitan Forest, Lot 4

Southern River, Regenerated Infrastructure: First Prize

The project reconceptualizes the artificial hydrology of the region, complementing the sources of fresh water with the new water springs – the wastewater treatment plants –, with the purpose of boosting social interaction, ecological regrowth, and the mobility infrastructures... 

Lote 4, Manantial Sur, infraestructura regenerada

Arquitectos Architects
aldayjover arquitectura y paisaje

Equipo Team
Iñaki Alday, Margarita Jover (arquitectos directores de proyecto project managers architects), Jesús Arcos (arquitecto architect), Francisco Mesonero (paisajista landscape)

Colaboradores Collaborators
ABM Consulting (ingeniería civil e hidráulica civil and hidraulic engineering), IRBIS (consultoría ambiental environment consultant), Paisaje Transversal (planeamiento urbano y participación urban planning and participation), Benedicto Gestión de Proyectos (presupuesto budget), BIS structures (estructuras structure), Fernando Domingo (ingeniero topógrafo surveyor), Sbda Saida Dalmau (infografía render)