The urban fabric and the features of the terrain make it possible to define three areas of intervention to recover a pasture land, create an agroecological park, and create a landscape factory: a referent for ecological transition in Madrid...
The project reconceptualizes the artificial hydrology of the region, complementing the sources of fresh water with the new water springs – the wastewater treatment plants –, with the purpose of boosting social interaction, ecological regrowth, and th
Studying the resilience of specific natural species, using agricultural techniques, and highlighting the topography or archaeological remains of the area are a few of the strategies applied to repair the territory damaged by the discontinuitites of t
With the objective of generating a powerful green infrastructure that integrates the existing parks and the new ones, the project foresees planting five different types of forests, a new system of eco-bridges, and the creation of natural barriers aro
The sustainable agenda of the city and the conditions of the site translate into a colorful mosaic of different forests planned, planted, and maintained aided by new technologies, and which function as programmatic ‘bubbles.’...