An office building rises on an irregular plot of land in the form of a fragmented prism clad in a modular lattice of concrete that combines ‘tapatío’ tradition with contemporary techniques. On the various floors, which shrink in area the higher one g
This complex of twelve residences occupies a corner plot in Barcelona’s Poble Nou neighborhood. Two main streets intersect here and there is a flow of tourists coming from the Barceloneta Beach, so firm OAB (Carlos Ferrater and Xavier Martí) with Peñ
Located on the new Diagonal Avenue, across from the park designed by Jean Nouvel in the north stretch of the urban block, the building, which includes retail and parking areas and 68 apartments, addresses a double condition: it acts as facade of an o
The relations of Spanish architects with Latin America is measured by two other relationships of greater scope: one is cultural in the broad sense of the word, having to do with the intricate web of comings and goings that have stitched our country w
Un lustro ha transcurrido desde la aparición de las dos últimas monografías sobre Carlos Ferrater —Sincronizar la Geometría, y Carlos Ferrater (OAB), de Actar y Padura respectivamente—. Ambas fueron publicadas de forma casi simultánea en 2006, poco d
Como todo arquitecto con una obra de peso, Carlos Ferrater tiene admiradores y detractores. Pero hasta esos dos grupos de opiniones encontradas y un tercero de indiferentes coinciden en una cosa: su insólita habilidad para movilizar otros talentos y