The flagship store of Tiffany & Co., the luxury jewelry and specialty design house, has reopened on Fifth Avenue in New York City, after completion of its first holistic renovation since opening in 1940. Shohei Shigematsu of OMA did the revamp an
After its successful run at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris, the traveling exhibition 'Christian Dior: Designer of Dreams' moves to the Museum of Contemporary Art of Tokyo. On view through 28 May, it is organized by a scenographic narrative de
The firm OMA designed the scenography for the first edition of the Jeddah Biennale, which is being held within the Western Hajj Terminal of King Abdulaziz International Airport, a work of Skidmore, Owings & Meriill (SOM) and winner of the 1983 Aga Kh
Museum Egizio founded in 1824 is the world’s oldest museum for Ancient Egyptian culture, housed in Collegio dei Nobili in Turin. A complex consisting of exhibition galleries, the Academy of Sciences, and an open courtyard, the museum’s architecture h
The extension of the Musée National des Beaux-Arts du Québec sits amid the other three existing institutional buildings creating a complex on the edge of the park. The project tries to establish new relationships between the green areas and the adjac
El proyecto convierte el difícil emplazamiento en su punto fuerte y se divide en cuatro sectores en aspa que lo relacionan con su contexto inmediato: la Neuenationalgalerie de Mies, la Filarmónica de Scharoun, la plaza de la iglesia y la carretera...
The extension of the Musée National des Beaux-Arts du Québec sits amid the other three existing buildings, already belonging to the institution, and that make up a complex on the edge of the park. The project tries to establish new relationships betw