Madrid, Spain
With an area of more than 220 hectares, Mercamadrid is one of the largest wholesale markets of fresh products in Europe. The project for Frutas Eloy is being developed in this food-supply environment, with a two-level building for cold storage where
A work of the Madrid practice of Rubén Picado and María José de Blas, this venue for banquets and other events in Hotel Echaurren, in the La Rioja town of Ezcaray, takes its name from the grove (arboleda) where it is located. The design addresses the
With a double program that includes a police station and the Civil Defense premises, the building should be, due to its social role, a representative rather than impositive volume, and is set forth since the competition as a pavilion with a horizonta
El volumen cilíndrico se horada mediante un anillo de patios —organizados según un módulo angular de 17º— que proporciona luz natural a todos los espacios del edificio que no la reciben a través de la fachada. Una doble piel translúcida, perforada co
The project prompts to reflect upon the life of babies, taking as point of departure a circular form, the one intuitively chosen in the past to build fortresses, huts and igloos. The circle is able to generate a maximum volume with the least material
Altering the regal image of the Monastery of El Escorial with a large-scale project demands a throrough study of the landscape and the history of the place. If inserting a theater in any given urban center always requires an effort, in this particula
Dos vigas curvas de hormigón en T, dispuestas concéntricamente, definen la geometría circular de la nueva comisaría de la localidad madrileña de Villanueva de la Cañada, construida por Picado y De Blas. Los accesos se articulan alrededor del cilindro
En 2004 la Fundación COAM, brazo cultural del Colegio que representa a los arquitectos madrileños, inició el ciclo expositivo y editorial llamado ‘Monoespacios’, con la intención de dar a conocer la producción de colegiados ‘notables’ en breves expos