The base is designed with prefabricated modules which transport the rest of the material, and which are assembled with three cranes that become part of the pavilion. A large fabric is stretched out over the more than thirty inflatable spheres that fo
To simplify and lighten the construction of the pavilion, its design takes as reference the apparent formal simplicity of old wooden ships, while the layout of the interior spaces is inspired by the constellation of Aquarius...
The proposal stands out for its organic forms and its contact with the natural environment, establishing at the same time a connection with the sea world. The project includes several aquatic elements built using sustainable materials...
The geometry which configures the spaces is directly related to the evocation of the aquatic world: the layout of undulating surfaces can suggest water landscapes for some or wandering among boat hulls for others...
Besides an easterly route from the Philippines to Acapulco, the Augustinian friar Andrés de Urdaneta discovered a north-flowing current towards the Japan Sea. Both phenomena helped Spain create an enriching commercial and cultural channel in the Paci
After a long and fruitful career, Tadao Ando decided that it was time for him to make an altruistic contribution to Osaka, the city where he was raised and developed as an architect. Ando wanted to pay tribute to the children of Osaka, the next gener
This is a memorial hall for writer Ryotaro Shiba, a figure representative of postwar Japan. The curved pavilion is on a site adjacent to the garden of the writer’s own residence, located in a quiet residential area on the outskirts of Osaka. The buil
Atop a hill in the Osaka University of Arts campus, this construction seeks to meld with the topography and natural environment besides harnessing views of the landscape and city. Hence Kazuyo Sejima – founder, with Ryue Nishizawa, of the firm SANAA
Inspiration for the curving glass facade of the Louis Vuitton store in Osaka, designed by Jun Aoki & Associates and Peter Marino, came from the sails of old Japanese merchant vessels, in reference to the history of a city defined by the importanc
The miyamoto house, located in the city of Osaka, is the result of addressing a highly radical assignment: to give shelter to a family of three without resorting to the usual mechanisms of the conventional house, such as private bedrooms, wall partit
The passion of the Japanese for western fashion has contributed to the proliferation in big cities of flagship stores of luxury brands, often designed by signature firms. The headquarters of Hermès by Renzo Piano, of Prada by Herzog & de Meuron, the
El mismo año en que la dictadura militar le retiró los derechos civiles para ejercer como arquitecto en su propio país, Paulo Mendes da Rocha ganó el concurso para construir el pabellón que representaría a Brasil en la Expo de Osaka de 1970. Con un f
Un estrecho callejón entre dos edificaciones de la densa trama de Osaka se ha transformado en una pequeña plaza vertical que los vecinos disfrutan de manera espontánea.
The result of an international competition, the construction of Kansai Airport, carried out in 38 months by 6,000 workers, meant a huge challenge. It had to be raised on an artificial island (that existed only on paper during the first stages of the
Compacta y distendida al mismo tiempo quiere ser esta casa en Osaka, cuyo proyecto se conoce como 2/5; espacialmente trabada y a la vez porosa en el juego que establece de perspectivas y transparencias. Su lógica es muy sencilla: un zócalo rectangula
The construction of airports has traditionally been a task entrusted to engineers, but lately the architectural design of the buildings and their visual image are also being valued as true gateways of communication of each city with the rest of the w