United States
A work of the Texas-based practice of Juan Miró from Spain and Miguel Rivera from Puerto Rico, in association with the Mexican firm Ibarra Aragón Arquitectura, this complex of mixed uses – apartments, offices, and retail – stands 95 meters on a plot
Tucked into a hillside in West Austin, the building is organized around a three-story sculptural staircase that acts as the hinge point of the house, with rooms and hallways unfolding from it on every floor. The practice of the Spaniard Juan Miró and
The mission building reinterprets certain typological and geometrical constants of traditional Hindu temples, such as symmetry, patterns and pitched roofs.
La senda peatonal y ciclista del lago Lady Bird acompaña el cauce del río Colorado a su paso por el centro de Austin. El parque, muy frecuentado por corredores y ciclistas, proporciona a los usuarios un paisaje campestre en un entorno muy urbano. Est
“They heard about a city on the border. A city that no one has ever visited. Some say it has always been there, others say it is impossible to reach or they simply turn away when someone mentions it. But now there are many people who want to go, and
On view through 23 January 2022, the Haus der Architektur (HDA) in the city of Graz, Austria, is an exhibition on Miró Rivera Architects. Juan Miró and Miguel Rivera have for over twenty years been working in Austin (Texas), a city characterized by a
The texan cliché of bigness applies to this hefty book. Nevertheless, the work of Miró Rivera – set up in Austin but with roots in Juan Miró’s Spanish and Miguel Rivera’s Puerto Rican education – is more intimate and succinct than this volume, with i