The refurbishment of Matadero is one of the most ambitious cultural projects launched in the city over the last years. Converted into a contemporary art center, it develops a stable activity since 2007. Its comprehensive program and varied activities
El proyecto es el resultado de un concurso abierto convocado por el Ayuntamiento de Madrid en 2007, con el fin de intervenir en la nave 16 para convertirla en un nuevo espacio multifuncional dedicado a la exposición de arte contemporáneo y otras func
The 1+1=1 house is devised as a property shared by two families tied by close friendship, thus departing from social conventions by which sentimental relationships are the only possible model to justify financial commitment. The proposal must include
The campus of Montepríncipe is the most recent of the three that the private university San Pablo CEU has built in Madrid. Located in the town of Boadilla del Monte, to the west of the capital, it specializes in science studies. The polytechnic unive
In the context of the Spanish Pavilion in the Venice Biennale, the curators of ‘Unfinished’ engage in conversation about its exhibition, winner of the Golden Lion.
The title, ‘Unfinished,’ and its subject, the profession in the wake of the crisis, seemed to signal yet another critical or even masochistic look at the situation in which Spanish architecture has been immersed. Fortunately this has not been the cas
Matadero Madrid On its 54th year, the FAD Award for Architecture and Interior Design distinguished collective work vis-à-vis the individualism of ‘star architects’. The jury chaired by Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra gave the prize to the Matadero de Mad