Zurich (Switzerland) and Berlin (Germany)
In January 1924, industrial designer André Citroën opened the brand’s first foreign branch on Place Sainctelette in Brussels. Years later, in 1933, and following the original sketches drawn by Citroën himself, plans were carried out to include a larg
The old, iconic showroom becomes the main entrance to this complex where artistic production replaces industrial one, adding three new volumes of auditorium, museum, and archive, and redefining the circulation system as a public and exhibition space.
The sheer dimensions of this hangar located in the railway hub of Zurich-Herdern will allow the maintenance of intercity trains of the Swiss train network. It rises two floor heights and stretches 400 meters. The function of the railway facility dete
The almost 70,000 square meters of the Heuried Sports Center include programs of a broad variety of sizes. This makes it difficult to grasp the compound as a whole. The new winter sports hall wishes to rearrange that group of scattered elements. The
The project aims to make the most of the existing elements (Villa Planta and the gardens), relocating and clarifying the access. A series of retaining walls will organize the program...
The new volume of the museum is configured from the vertical projection of the boundaries of the existing hall. This will free up space on the ground floor to host a large multi-use room…
In the same way, at the Toni-Areal project – a new university complex in Zurich that houses the Academy of the Arts and that of Applied Sciences, a library, cultural spaces, restaurants and apartments –, an iconic ramp connects the campus with the ur
Founded in Zurich in 1997 by Mathias Müller and Daniel Niggli, the studio EM2N has gradually shifted its attention from a sober, rational design based on stylistic simplification – heir to the Dutch avant-garde and characteristic of Swiss contemporar
En la montaña, a 2.000 metros de altitud, esta casa asume la pendiente y renuncia al aterrazamiento del terreno. Es un proyecto de presupuesto reducido que se asienta en una ladera de los Alpes suizos, limitando la superficie de contacto con el terre