In the new, thermodynamically-tuned practice of Iñaki Ábalos and Renata Sentkiewicz, the aloof, prismatic volumes of the Ábalos + Herreros era, heirs of Alejandro de la Sota in their technical directness and formal austerity, have evolved into buildi
The economic crisis has been a catalyst for the international projection of emerging Spanish architects, who are seeking new work opportunities in Europe.
Contemporary tectonic poetics rest on the ambiguities that arise between the physical qualities of materials and their symbolic resonances.
When bringing together a group of building projects dedicated to a common program, as when bringing together a group of friends, one hopes at least to provoke an interesting conversation, both among the projects themselves and in reference to their m
La arquitectura del canario Fernando Menis contiene la esencia del paisaje tinerfeño, enraizado sobre la masa estructural de su núcleo basáltico y dominado por el cono de cenizas del Teide. Así lo demuestran las formas del Estadio de Atletismo de Ten
Los proyectos encargados por la Empresa Municipal de Vivienda y Suelo de Madrid (EMVS) forman parte de un plan que en su fase actual prevé crear 35.000 viviendas protegidas durante el periodo comprendido entre 2003 y 2008, de las cuales 20.500 son de
Entre los cuadernos de autor publicados hasta ahora en la revista especializada Tribuna de la construcción, ninguno tan completo como el número doble dedicado a Francisco Mangado. En 2003, el arquitecto navarro concluía lo que entonces se calificó co
Spain is generally recognized today in Europe and the rest of the developed world as an important center of architectural production. Kurt Forster, the Director of the last Venice Biennial, summarized this perception when he told El País: “Thirty yea
While the Universal Forum of Cultures will disappoint those expecting to find a major concentration of stellar world architecture, or a new urban center on the scale of the Olympic Village, what it proposes is much more innovative and thought-provoki
Spanish architecture is in a state of transition. No strong trends dominate the current moment. Movements such as Swiss minimalism and the Dutch post-pop avant garde have had their day. What more can they offer us? The argument for post-functional su
To review the results of Europan VI after having served on its jury is more of a disadvantage that it first might appear, as it is difficult to separate one’s role as a critical observer from one’s role as a participant. The staggering scale of the S
As an archetype of the contemporary American skyscraper, the World Trade Center was the product of two conflicting but mutually dependent principles: on the one hand, a frugal Protestant pragmatism, in which the maximization of profit is the only val
The current wave of European incursions into New York, with major new building projects announced by Renzo Piano, Jean Nouvel, Rem Koolhaas, Herzog & de Meuron and others, is the culmination of a courtship that first began in 1978 with a book, Ko
La colección de Birkhäuser dedicada a la joven arquitectura europea incorpora un volumen español, el quinto tras los de Italia, Suiza, Gran Bretaña y Alemania. El norteamericano David Cohn, residente en nuestro país y colaborador habitual de estas pá
En los años transcurridos desde la Expo de 1992, Sevilla ha consolidado su posición como el tercero de los principales centros de arquitectura contemporánea española. Las figuras más destacadas del 92 disfrutan ahora de una presencia a escala naciona