Seoripul Open Art Storage will serve as the collective archive space for the Seoul Museum of Art, the Seoul Museum of Craft Art, and the Seoul Museum of History. Beyond its role as a storage facility, it aspires to be a dynamic civic space for Seoul
A lover of design objects of all kinds needs a storage space in which to live with a collection that over the years has overflowed the storage capacity of a family home. The diversity of sizes, themes and materials is considerable and the need for ar
An old warehouse occupies the heart of a block in the urban expansion of Bilbao. It is accessed through a long and narrow tunnel that crosses the ground level of the residential junctions. Its interior contains a simple program that addresses the bas
Formally, we understand a favela as an agglomeration of low-quality housing, which follows a model of 'self-construction' and a process of spontaneous creation, and which is arranged as a network that grows horizontally and vertically according to ne
“How our group is dwindling, our first fighting and heroic group, how few of us are left.” As the Chilean poet Vicente Huidobro reported in a letter written to his mother, this was a lament Picasso uttered at María Blanchard’s funeral in 1932. The tw
When she was almost a septuagenarian, Suzanne Valadon portrayed herself with her breasts exposed, a pearl necklace, and a defiant gaze. In this way – free of prejudices, flirty and provocative – she summed up her life and work. Accustomed to her pres
Roy Nachum (1979, Jerusalem) works across disciplines and is known especially for paintings that go from surrealism to hyperrealism. Nachum rose to fame with the cover design for Rihanna’s Anti album of 2016, a work that included a fragment in Braill
New readings inject sap into revered trunks. The British Academy and the Getty Research Institute have revisited two classics of art history, The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy, no doubt the masterwork of Jacob Burckhardt (1818-1897), and T
The breach between the studies of art and architecture is discussed with the help of images by the professor and photographer Joaquín Bérchez.
It is trite to quote Talleyrand (“Ceux qui n’ont pas connu l’Ancien Régime ne pourront jamais savoir ce qu’était la douceur de vivre”) to summon up the Rococo sweetness of aristocratic life before the Revolution, and many of my generation learned to
Bulgarian creator of large-scale public artworks worked in collaboration with wife Jeanne-Claude. Christo studied in Sofia and then defected to the west in 1957, stowing away on a train from Prague to Vienna...
Some monographs stand out because they are well documented, others because they place their subjects in wider historical contexts. This one explores the intertwining of art, science, and military power during the Cold War through the interdisciplina
Every avant-garde recognizes itself in modernity, but not all modernity recognizes itself in avant-gardes: thus starts an ‘aesthetic essay’ that explains the complex, often contradictory tenets that gave rise to artistic modernity. ‘Aesthetic essay’
The hermetism of the latest art either fascinates or irritates. The writer Enrique Vila-Matas, who participated in Documenta 13 by sitting down to write in a Chinese restaurant, was euphoric at what he saw and experienced in Kassel, and he tells abou
Representation of the domestic: in a field so close it is not easy to reach the expressive level of artists like Bonnard or Vuillard, those 19th century painters who dealt with the theme of domestic bliss in their quiet interiors, or that of Matisse
Llevando la contraria’, es decir, á rebours, es como parece haber concebido Dore Ashton su exposición sobre la pintura informalista entre 1939 y 1968. Esta comisaria, reconocida especialista en el arte norteamericano de la posguerra, es autora, entre
Miguel Ángel Hernández Ensayos afectivos y ficciones críticas
Ramón Andrés
Barcelona 2024
Acantilado - 400 Pages
Mercè Ibarz Ante la obra de arte
Michel Onfray Una introducción al arte, desde Lascaux a Koons
Patrick Bringley Una historia sobre el arte, la vida y la pérdida
Thomas Schlesser Una novela en 52 obras maestras
Will Gompertz El mundo visto a través del arte
Bianca Bosker A Mind-Bending Journey Among Inspired Artists and...
Orlando Whitfield A Story of Friendship, Fraud and Fine Art
Pedro García Martín Imágenes del poder
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Milan 2024
Skira - 64 Pages
Javier González de Durana José Manuel Ballester & Godofredo Ortega Muñoz
Javier Sánchez Aisha Ballesteros
Ciudad de México 2023
Arquine - 124 Pages
James Lingwood (ed.) Hondalea
Charles Baudelaire 1845-1866
Alejandro Vergara Sharp
Madrid 2022
Tres Hermanas - 120 Pages
Julia Ramírez-Blanco Las hermandades de artistas del siglo XIX
António Choupina 50 anos depois
Udo Kittelmann (ed.)
Londres 2022
MACK - 40 Pages
Jaime Vindel Imaginarios de la energía y crisis ecosocial
Claire Brandon (ed.)
Madrid 2021
Ivorypress - 1834 Pages
Marina Abramović
Barcelona 2020
Malpaso - 352 Pages
Kate Kennedy Hermione Lee
Princeton 2020
Princeton University Press - 298 Pages