Girona, Spain
An old construction on the premises of the agricultural cooperative of Flix – a municipality in Ribera de Ebro, a comarca of the province of Tarragona – has been turned into a cultural center. Counting a built area of 524 square meters, the new spac
An abandoned house integrated into its environs has been refurbished by occupying the ruin and expanding a series of interwoven interior spaces and gardens. Generating a counterpoint with the tower of the neighboring house, the stone, mud, and concre
The volumes are unified by a same material approach, with a contrast of color and texture between their two strata: the lower one of concrete bearing walls and the upper one with a white roof of laminated wood and the skylights.
The proposal wishes to blend with the chapel and the Clotet building to create a unitary ensemble, generating with its facade a representative space that shows the activity taking place in the museum and connects it with the plaza and the Meier build
The new cloister functions as a topographical link with the garden, accentuating its greenery by creating a new forest of columns that extends and connects with the museum; outside, stairs, platforms, and ramps guide visitors towards the entrance...
Located by the River Segre, Balaguer is the capital of La Noguera – the largest county in the province of Lleida, and one of the most heterogeneous due to its different types of landscape –, and also of one of the seven judicial districts of Lleida.
Located by the Ebro River, this building’s objective is to give a friendly image of the nuclear power station in the town of Ascó, Tarragona. The interpretation center will welcome around 3.000 visitors per year, which will receive information about
Esta intervención de acupuntura urbana consiste en una pieza texturada tendida como un puente que une un antiguo mercado rehabilitado y una pequeña plaza pública.
Tras lo sucedido en Fukushima, este edificio tiene el difícil reto de explicar al público en general las virtudes de la energía atómica. Se trata de un centro de visitantes (véase AV Monografías 153-154) situado en el complejo de la central de Ascó y
La localidad de Tortosa cuenta con un nuevo centro cívico firmado por el estudio Arquitecturia —Josep Camps y Olga Felip—. La intervención ha comprendido la rehabilitación del antiguo mercado de Freires, construido en los años sesenta, y su ampliació