In the past three decades, Luis Fernandez-Galiano, editor-in-chief of this magazine, has produced an exceptional treasure of texts on contemporary architecture. I know of no one in the field who is so thoroughly aware of facts and trends of the momen
Modern architecture was based on montage and the metropolis. This is the main point of the splendid work of the Swiss historian Martino Stierli, chief curator of architecture at the MoMA. With elegant prose and excellent illustrations, Stierli reconc
Please excuse my very delayed response to your Alexandrine Years. I have been preoccupied of late in trying to finish, at long last, the ‘impossible’ expansion of Modern Architecture: A Critical History so as to shift the focus away from Europe and t
Je suis enfin, depuis deux heures, en possession de ces kilos de réflexion que j’ai été chercher en autobus dans un dépôt UPS au fin fonds de ma triste banlieue (on y vend aussi des DVP, essentiellement pornographiques tant est grande, ici, la misère
Prima gli anni dell’ottimismo giustificato dalla crescita economica e dai successi ottenuti dalla Spagna dopo il 1992; poi quelli della crisi dopo la distruzione delle torri gemelle a New York (e sullo sfondo il 2008 e il fallimento della banca Lehma
Pendant quatorze ans, de 1993 à 2006, Luis Fernández-Galiano a dirigé la rubrique architecture du quotidien espagnol El País. Architecte de formation, professeur à l’Université Polytechnique de Madrid et dans de nombreuses grandes écoles à travers le
The subtitle ‘A Chronicle of Architecture’ raises the question of why the author calls this compilation of writings a ‘chronicle’ instead of a ‘critique,’ given that his opinion is held in esteem within the profession worldwide. His academic trajecto
When does news become history? Considering the current threat of climate change, I often wonder if a historical vision will survive the 21st century; but if it does, those concerned with what happened in architecture during the last decade of the 20t
Se recogen aquí algunas reacciones críticas a Años alejandrinos, los dos volúmenes que reunían una buena parte de mis artículos en El País entre 1993 y 2006. La obra fue presentada por Norman Foster y Rafael Moneo el 19 de febrero en Ivorypress, y el
The generic title Alexandrine Years has caused some bewilderment, and I find myself compelled to explain it. On the one hand, it refers to the Alexandrine verse form of fourteen syllables divided into two hemistiches of seven, numbers that matched th
Les chroniques architecturales écrites par Luis Fernandez-Galiano pour «El País», entre 1993 et 2006, tissent le récit passionnant d’une période de bouleversements intenses...
Italian magazine Casabella (899-900) reviews The Age of Spectacle and Time of Uncertainty, in which Luis Fernández-Galiano compiles his articles on architecture published in El País from 1993 to 2006.
In Alexandrine Years, Luis Fernández-Galiano collects his articles on architecture published in El País from 1993 to 2006...
With the English subtitle “A Chronicle of Architecture,” the two volumes of Alexandrine Years collect the articles published by Luis Fernández-Galiano in El País...
Luis Fernández-Galiano publishes a selection of his most important articles written between 1993 and 2006 on architecture...
Invalidating the idea that the times we are living are unconducive to criticism, and heralding the discipline’s future, Luis Fernández-Galiano has published Alexandrine Years. The two-volume bilingual book compiles a good part of the weekly pages tha
The collection of texts is illustrated with over 2,500 images, and 2,000 protagonists of the years straddling two centuries parade through them.
Ivorypress provided the venue for a dialogue about the books, which offer in Spanish and English a selection of texts first published in the newspaper ‘El País.’
‘Alexandrine Years’ was launched on 19 February with Norman Foster and Rafael Moneo accompanying its author, Luis Fernández-Galiano.
All the topics that a reader expects to find in a newspaper appear in the articles that Luis Fernández-Galiano – architect, professor, critic, and editor of architecture magazines – wrote for the daily El País from 1993 to 2006, with architecture as
“It would be very hard to find a critic with the training of Luis,” said Rafael Moneo to a packed audience. He was referring to the Navarre-born architect seated to his left, Luis Fernández-Galiano, author of the book Alexandrine Years…
The first victim of wars is usually truth; in the Balkans, the first casualty has been memory. Physical and genetic genocide goes with urban and cultural genocide; the extermination of populations and mass deportations happen in simultaneity with the