
José Manuel Ballester, Spaces: Norman Foster Foundation


North view of the Pavilion with Voisin G7 Lumineuse from 1926, once owned by Le Corbusier, and Storm Prototype II by Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle (2006), both reflected in the vitrine and ceiling and installed alongside Le Corbusier´s photographs of the car in the context of his architecture (photographs on loan from the Le Corbusier Foundation)

José Manuel Ballester (Madrid, 1960), painter and photographer with a degree in Fine Arts from the Complutense University, has received numerous prizes throughout his career. Among them is the National Photography Award of 2010, with which the jury distinguished his unique interpretation of architectural space and light. Light is a key element in the photographs of his latest book, Spaces, where he portrays the headquarters of the Norman Foster Foundation in Madrid, with a tour through the rooms of this residential palace of 1912 – designed by Joaquín Saldaña for the Duke of Plasencia –, as well as the courtyard and the newly added glass pavilion... [+]

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