João Pedro Falcão
In the spirit of returning to the disciplinary values of the profession, the FAD Award in the category of Architecture went in its 56th edition to the ‘Assisted pedestrian route from the center to Saint George’s Castle’ by João Pedro Falcão, a good example of “agreement of public and private” which the jury presided by Ramón Sanabria commended for being able to “synthesize the virtues of restoration and of technique.” As for the remaining categories, RCR Arquitectes won in the Interior Design section for Entremurs House in Olot (Gerona); Grupo Aranea in City and Landscape for phase 1B of ‘The Braided Valley’ in Elche (Alicante); and Ariane Patout and René Müller in Ephemeral Interventions for ‘Wild Furniture–The Real Barcelona Chair’ in San Cugat del Vallés. For the first time the award included an international category, and the jury gave four prizes ‘in equal terms’ to: Patricio Martínez and Maximia Torruella for their hospital in Puyo (Ecuador); Cruz & Ortiz for the renovation of the Rijksmuseum of Amsterdam; Martí Guixé for the restaurant Solar Kitchen in Helsinki (Finland); and Anna & Eugeni Bach Architectes for ‘La Casita / Playhouse’ in Nummi-Pusula (Finland).