Concentric 09, in images

Concentric 09, in images


Fresa, by Oana Stănescu

The 9th edition of Concentric, the International Festival of Architecture and Design held yearly in Logroño, took place from 27 April to 2 May. Through installations temporarily scattered around the capital of La Rioja, the annual event triggers reflections on the urban environment and the city.

Fresa, by Oana Stănescu

Bayan Urban, by Daniel Hambly

Camp La Leçon de Rome, by Os Espacialistas

Casas para pájaros, by Hollman Reuter Sandman Architects

La Rebelión del Crazy Army, by Recetas Urbanas

Fábrica de coches Uylenspiegel, by Architecture Uncomfortable Workshop

Fuente urbana, by Un Parell d’Arquitectes

Me Como el Mundo, by Didier Fiúza Faustino

Una Mesa Elevada en el Paisaje, by Jennyfher Alvarado + Álvaro Gonzalez

Muralla Doble, by Design With Company – Stewart Hicks, Allison Newmeyer

Pabellón de Seda, by Paloma Cañizares

Pista Central, by Marc Morro

PUL, by MEII Estudio – Elvira Carrión, Jose Mª Mateo + Clara Torregrosa and Gabriel Millán

Siluroño, by Pool is Cool + Dallas

Sombra proyectada, by Camille Walala

Tensegrity Späti, by Barkow Leibinger

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