Chipperfield in Galicia
Miña casiña, meu lar

David Chipperfield figures on the world scene through his offices in London, Berlin, Milan, and Shanghai. And his architecture has addressed the demands of the most prestigious clients. Nevertheless, for twenty years now the British Pritzker laureate has spent periods in Corrubedo, a corner of the Rias Baixas area of northwestern Spain, and has engaged with the place to the point of founding RIA (Rede de Innovación Arousa), a project to care for Galicia’s built and natural environments not only through far-reaching collaborative strategies, but also by means of local or even strictly personal actions, such as supporting town bars and, by extension, giving a boost to the region’s gastronomic and marine culture. Chipperfield spoke on all this at RIA’s launch at Fundación Arquia in Madrid on 9 May, and more the next day at Fundación Juan March, in the course of a dialogue with Luis Fernández-Galiano. The round of events culminated on 20 June in Santiago de Compostela with the official opening of Casa RIA, a new space for architects, urban planners, politicians, businessmen, and local activists to meet in and discuss solutions to regional problems, in the context of the social and environmental challenges that need to be faced on a global scale today.