AV Proyectos 125: Patrimonio social

From Industrial Past to Civic Present

AV Proyectos 125: Patrimonio social

From Industrial Past to Civic Present


Productora, espacio Laguna, Ciudad de México (México)

AV Proyectos 125 dedicates its cover to social heritage, a concept that includes the conversion of industrial buildings into civic spaces. As Ricardo Flores and Eva Prats point out in the article that accompanies the section, such interventions aim to give new life to the traces – material or immaterial –, that are identified after a careful observation of the existing. And in its further analysis of this theme, the magazine conducts an interview with BURR, the young Madrilenian studio that focusses its practice on the reactivation of unused industrial facilities. The issue also features several proposals of G124, the university working group set up by Renzo Piano, which plans for the peripheries of Italian cities; and the transformation of the historic Citröen manufacturing facility into the KANAL-Centre Pompidou, a new urban culture factory for Brussels designed by Sergison Bates, noAarchitecten, and EM2N. To close, Luis Fernández-Galiano reviews Peter Sloterdijk’s Gris: Une théorie politique des couleurs, where the French philosopher discusses the importance of grisaille in the creation of art and thought.

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