AV Proyectos 124: Madera estructural
Experiences in Three Continents

Sou Fujimoto, Pabellón para la Expo Osaka 2025 (Japón) © Sou Fujimoto
Though during the last century concrete and brick have played the leading role in construction, AV Proyectos 124 takes a stand for wood as a powerful alternative. This view is supported by architects and professors like Óscar Linares, who comments on the seven international projects contained in the dossier; or the Madrid-based team of Elena Orte and Guillermo Sevillano, of SUMA Arquitectura, which we have interviewed here on their pioneering experience using structural timber in Spain. The issue continues with the competition porposals for the remodelling of the Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art (SMAK) in Ghent, by David Kohn and noAarchitecten, and the work in process for the new Benin National Assembly in Porto Novo, by Francis Kéré, closing with Luis Fernández-Galiano’s review of Fischer von Erlach’s Project of a Historical Architecture, recently re-edited.