AV Monografías 251: Sauerbruch Hutton

Staying true to their idea of inserting buildings into the urban fabric as pieces that take the surrounding context into account without shying away from sporting character-giving colorful facades, Matthias Sauerbruch and Louisa Hutton run a large international practice that manages to combine constructive rigor and the fundamentals of sustainability with a sensual and delicate execution. The new issue of AV Monographs presents the firm’s prolific oeuvre, complemented by an article by Kaye Geipel and a conversation between the partners. The list of selected works, arranged chronologically, includes their iconic GSW headquarters in Berlin and the Federal Environment Agency in Dessau, where they already essayed their characteristic chromatism and applied sustainability principles; major cultural buildings like the Brandhorst Museum in Munich or the M9 in Mestre, carefully embedded in their urban context; and recent completions like the ‘Woodie’ in Hamburg or the offices for Médecins Sans Frontières in Geneva, where they explore prefabricated building methods.