Arquitectura Viva 267: García de Paredes / La-Hoz

The year 2024 is the birth centenary of José María García de Paredes and Rafael de La-Hoz, two architects who, before embarking on their solid individual careers, took their first steps in the profession together. To commemorate both centennials, Arquitectura Viva has gathered the fruits of that fleeting but intense shared experience of the 1950s: the Chamber of Commerce of Córdoba and the Aquinas Student Dormitory in Madrid, two brilliant examples of Spain’s then incipient modernity, illustrated with material from family archives and enriched with biographical sketches by Kenneth Frampton – from the catalog of the exhibition on García de Paredes that opens on 2 October at Museo ICO – and Luis Fernández-Galiano.
For its part, this issue’s dossier looks at a pair of acclaimed university buildings in Europe: the Study Pavilion at Technische Universität Braunschweig (Germany), a work of Gustav Düsing and Max Kacke that has earned the Mies van der Rohe Award of 2024; and the Lumen Learning Center at Université Paris-Saclay (France), by MGM Morales De Giles Arquitectos and Beaudouin Architectes, winner of the FAD International Award of 2024.
The Art and Culture chapter recalls the figures of two practically contemporary creators of the past century: the Madrid painter Rosario de Velasco, one of so many forgotten artists that Estrella de Diego puts back in the picture; and the Neapolitan architect Stefania Filo Speziale, whose scantily documented trajectory is presented by Stefano Corbo. Finally, the usual News and Books sections are complemented with an article where Kosme de Barañano relates the bed Napoleon slept on during his military campaigns with his definitive resting place at Les Invalides.