Arquitectura Viva 252: Carmody Groarke

Arquitectura Viva 252: Carmody Groarke


The Permanence of the Ephemeral. The crisis of 2008 forced the young Kevin Carmody and Andy Groarke to explore less trodden paths: mostly temporary structures that enabled them to develop a subtlety which the London-based duo has maintained while consolidating its practice and expanding its register of scale, as Arquitectura Viva shows through three works and two recent projects: the Windermere Jetty Museum in the Lake District, the Hill House Box in Helensburgh, the Großmarkt Theater Pavilion in Hamburg, the extension of the Design Museum of Ghent, and facilities for the British Library in Boston Spa.

This issue’s Dossier presents three major libraries completed in Spain in the past few years: The Gabriel García Márquez in Barcelona by SYMA Arquitectura, the Public Library of Córdoba by Paredes Pedroso Arquitectos, and El Molí in Molins de Rey by Antonio Montes Gil.

In the Art and Culture chapter, Oliver Wainwright reports on the innovative Reggio school that the firm of Andrés Jaque has built on the outskirts of Madrid, and Rafael Moneo remembers his relationship with Pablo Palazuelo on the occasion of the Museo ICO exhibition on the artist. The usual News and Books sections are complemented with a reflection by Francisco Mangado on the state of the profession.

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