World Car Center WCC, Mangado Asociados
World Car Center WCC, Mangado Asociados

World Car Center WCC, Mangado Asociados


Very clear guidelines are established for the buildings of the vacant plots and to cover the existing houses in the central block. The metallic structure, painted in the color of the primers in boats, is combined with concrete and glass... [+]

Mangado y Asociados


Arquitectos Architects

Francisco Mangado, Carlos Quintáns

Colaboradores Collaborators

Esther Sanchis LLopis, Rocio Julián Gil, Pedro Cunha e Costa, Michele Pellino, Gian Marco Prisco (Mangado y Asociados); Lorena Pabst Fernández, Nuria Prieto González (Carlos Quintáns)

Infografías Inphographics
