10 Cal Tower: The Labyrinth, Cholburi
Bangkok Supermachine Studio  

10 Cal Tower: The Labyrinth, Cholburi

Bangkok Supermachine Studio  

Configured as an 8.5- meter structure of concrete whose core holds up ten cantilevers with stairs and platforms, the tower lures people into the activity and exchange it is meant for; its tangle of intersecting routes recalls Escher’s labyrinthian spaces... [+]

10Cal Tower: The Labyrinth, Cholburi (Thailand)
Supermachine Studio

Arquitectos Architects
Supermachine Studio

Equipo de diseño Design team
Pitupong Chaowakul, Kasidis Peuktes, Sujinda Khawkam, Supakorn Sinthutharn

Cliente Client
Siam Cement Group (SCG)

Estructura Structural Engineer
Basic Design

Contratista Contractor
N.K. Global Construction

Fotografía Photography
Wison Tungthunya